Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
Valentine's Day with Merger!
Valentina's Day
I have to express my outrage
With gender skewing in India. The following is my summary and commentary of a report from NPR. A young woman was raped repeatedly by a group of men, one who was a distant cousin of hers. In reaction to this event, the woman's friends ceased speaking to her, she is now being shunned by all of the community. I cannot help but wonder how this continues; how women are blamed for being taken advantage of in a predominantly male society. In India and other Asian countries, males are preferred to females, so female babies are aborted most times, and this skews the population dramatically. In addition to the population inequality, men are public figures and community leaders who decide what is right and wrong, perhaps promoting an anti-female atmosphere and creating the basis for these hate crimes. Hate crimes that bring shame to the women, and not the men. In India, sometimes men rape women of lower castes to show "superiority" and to establish themselves.
I cannot imagine living in a place where I could be dragged from my home at any time of day, beaten and raped, and in addition to the physical and mental trauma, BLAMED for being raped. It would not be a place I'd want to live in. The young woman's response was the same as mine; if not for her family, she'd kill herself. I dearly wish that change be brought about in the future and incidents like this become nonexistent, for this woman and her children, for the hundreds (and maybe thousands) of women in India fighting this fear-filled battle every day, for my children and grandchildren.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Then and now
I think the worst part about getting older and going through puberty was when I would look in the mirror and think to myself, "That hair must've fallen on me," and then trying to pick it off and realizing that that point is where it was growing from.
I wanted to be perfect for so long, starting in middle school. I'd just been dumped in an unfamiliar place with gorgeous long-haired Asians and Filipinos left and right; how was I to compete with that? I wanted to be perfect and hairless like the people I saw in magazines. I didn't want a rabbit trail of hair leading from the top of my chest down to my genitals, it made me feel so embarrassed of my body. I stopped wearing tank tops and started to cover myself up as much as possible, not wanting anyone to see or judge my body.
I can distinctly remember crying one day to my mother. "Can I talk to you?" I asked, closing her door behind me and staring at the ground. I told her about the hair and how I felt so ugly. I needed a "you're beautiful the way you are," but instead I got "come on, Axanti, there are kids in the world dying of cancer."
I have to say, the second one stuck with me more. At some point in my life, I decided not to pluck my eyebrows, that my face is beautiful enough after I wash and moisturize, and that I'm not an android. I'm a human being with natural hair, a beautiful and discolored caramel face, little tiny black hairs, and unkempt, uneven eyebrows. I've come to love myself and all my imperfections, thanks to my partner in life and strong support system, my dear boyfriend. I hope that for you reading this, 14 or 40, learn to love yourself as I have, it makes life so much more enjoyable.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Everything in my mind right this second?
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Phi Theta Kappa
I, surprisingly, have been invited to join other Phi Theta Kappans in the organization. Approximately 100 students from De Anza are invited, so I feel pretty special. I've been to two meetings so far, and the people are very sociable, our Faculty Advisor is a comical little man. He has salt and pepper hair with glasses, a kind smile, and a middle-aged figure somewhere between skinny and pudgy. He sends emails A LOT. I did not catch the President of our organization's name, but he speaks loudly, with a Russian accent. He has no trouble quieting a room. Wide eyes and a helpful tone, he makes a good President, as far as I can see. The Vice President (or who I think is the Vice President) is also a great speaker who knows how to get a laugh from a group of people. I'd say he's of middle-eastern descent, judging by his hooked nose and jet black hair. He's also very polite and an exceptional leader.
Since those three speak the most, I haven't actually learned the names of the other officers in the club, which I probably should. Walking into the same classroom every other Friday and seeing the same faces, smiling at them awkwardly since I remember their faces, but no name is recalled along with it. There is an Induction Ceremony, which I am excited about. Being a part of this organization, I receive a certificate when I graduate and I get to wear that thing when I graduate... What's it called? Not a lei... the scarf-like thing? Ugh I'm bad with words. Anyways, I am able to graduate with honors, which not many others can say :) My mother was also a PTK member, so we're sorors, I guess. Chip off the ol' family block.