Friday, June 29, 2012


I'm watching a documentary on boobs. What is our society's obsession with them? And why is it that women with large breasts are automatically deemed promiscuous? Other countries do not value and worship them as we do.
Documentaries really interest me and make me think. Why do we value beauty and sexuality among all other aspects of what females can offer? Yes, we have breasts. Our society makes us BELIEVE that breasts are supposed to be sexual. In Africa it's ye butt, in the middle east, it's the belly; in Japan it's the nape of the neck. Our society makes us attracted to them. In most other countries, breasts are not valued as they are in America.
Why is bigger better? Why can't I be as happy with my flat chest as the next girl with double D sized breasts? Another thing that happens to tick me off is breast feeding. Why do people hate it so much? Breast feeding helps babies to be healthy, allergy-free, disease free throughout their lives.
My thing is: what's the big deal? If you don't like breast feeding, turn your back and look at something else! Why is it so awkward? You know what boobs are, you know what they do, you know how they do it. Breasts are natural and everyone has them. Don't bash other people for doing what they want to do. It's not your body, it's not your child. I guess that's all for today.

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