Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How to love yourself

1) Accept yourself.
You can't love yourself if you can't accept your own body and spirit. If you're tall, love that you're tall! If you have small breasts, be grateful that you don't have the unwanted attention and back problems that accompany large breasts. You will feel more love for yourself after you accept how you are not only physically
But mentally and emotionally.

2) Change what you can.
If you are overweight, join a gym. Don't get liposuction, because then you'll have to get a tummy tuck also. The under-the-knife method has to be at least 1,000x more expensive than joining a gym and working off the extra weight yourself.
If you hate your face/body, take a look at some people who were born with cleft lips or those whose faces were burned in fires. Makes you appreciate your own face and skin, doesn't it? Also; people nowadays say that girls who wear makeup are "fake," but this is not true. Sometimes a little mascara, blush and lip gloss will make you feel like a whole new person!
If you don't like your body after drastic changes (like you lost 300 pounds but you still hate your figure) take a moment to research paraplegics and war veterans who don't have one or more of their limbs.

3) Treat yourself!
It's Friday! Put done extra meat on your sandwich. Buy yourself something nice! Get dressed up and go out! If you're not good to yourself, who will be good to you? You can't always count on others to make you feel good. Make yourself feel good!

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