Saturday, February 15, 2014

(no title)

The world exists in two days simultaneously.

Sunrise is sunset.

I am someone here, they are someone there.

We are exactly the same and completely different.

The problems of the world are universal because mankind has all made the same mistake.

Queens are oppressed, males are "dominant".

China-baby girls are left to die.

"United" states and India-women are blamed for being rape victims.

Women cannot breastfeed in public because men feel they are weak and need to be protected.

We exist simultaneously.

I am a queen in the middle east. My body must be covered because men do not trust me.

I am a queen in the Philippines.

My clitoris and labia are cut off, my vagina sewed up to make my husband feel more like a man.

I am a queen in America that cannot rise above male domination.

I am a queen on Earth but am expected to serve men.

A book written by sinners tells me that I only exist to serve men.

Men don't call me a queen.

They call me a woman. A goddess. Female. Because they believe I come from them.

The world forgets all of us come from the same two Africans. We come from equality.

There wasn't war or misogyny in village times.

Once there was peace.

We've been living this way for so long we can't fathom a different way.

Sunrise is sunset.

I am someone here, they are someone there.

We live in a world that oppresses queens.

A method thousands of years old applied to modern day.

Are we incapable of learning?


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