In case you forgot what I look like.
I've been lonely. I told you that already. It's been getting better thanks to Dylan and Brandon. Dylan is a surfer/skater/stoner that likes having me over and Brandon is an army man who has to come up to see me (they don't allow the opposite gender in their... I don't know... living quarters).
I met Brandon on OkCupid. He's really funny and fun to hang out with. Very tall, slightly muscular build, dark African skin. He slept over for about two days, it was a blur of sex, Bob's Burgers, sleep, and food. Great, lazy weekend.
I've had Dylan's number since school started. His radio show is before mine, so I'd text him when I was running late. One day, I had totally forgot about my radio show and he was sweet enough to pick me up. He confessed that he saw me on OkCupid for a while, that he's had the app for years and it hadn't worked out for him. Dylan is short, white, with the long blonde hair of a thirteen year old girl and the beard/mustache combo of a viking. Driving back to campus, we decided we should hang out sometime. Even though it was cold outside, about a week later, we went to the beach. We ran 250 feet before we got into the water. He dove into the water and swam, even though it was cold. He helped me find lots of beautiful rocks and shells, it was great.
By the time that was done, we were both freezing and feared hypothermia, so we huddled behind a sandy hill. He gave me his thick, warm camping jacket, and I put his arms around my waist so he could share in the warmth he'd helped foster. I was sitting on his lap and laying on top of him simultaneously, peacefully enjoying the sounds of the ocean just 500 feet away from us. He kept his hands on my back gently, as if I were a balloon that would float away otherwise.
After that, we stood up and the wind hit us. We walked back to our cars and then went to get food. We took it back to his place and watched Archer while we ate. He took me to the Pancake Art Gallery my school had, sweet of him. While seated there, he put his arm around me. We left around 10 and went back to his place. After cuddling for an hour or so, his face was close to mine. I was nervous and awkwardly turned my head to face the tv again when he took my chin in his index finger and thumb, turned my head to face him, and kissed me.
One thing led to another and I spend the night with him. It was awful, haha. I got close to no sleep because he snores in through his nose and out through his mouth. It also didn't help that we didn't actually sleep until 4 or 5 in the morning. But I greatly enjoyed my time with him. Since then, we've gone hiking together and have hung out once more. We're not too big on texting each other, it's nothing like being in-person. Once I get back, I definitely hope to see him again.
However, we're not dating because he hasn't brought it up. I don't like to assume and I don't like to be the one to make it official, because I know most guys don't want that. So even though I really like being with Dylan, I think I'm going to invite Brandon over when I get back. After I see Dylan. I really like being with Dylan and spending the night with him, but I also like when Brandon spends the night. Plus, all of my finals are due the week of Monday, December 1st, so that weekend I will be overjoyed and no doubt craving sex.