Monday, July 30, 2012
Am I less of a woman?
My eyebrows are not arched
My face is free of makeup
My body is unexposed
My pants are made for boys
My nails are short
I wear sneakers instead of heels
Why does that make me less?
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Move towards natural hair! (all races)
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Why I'm black and yellow
How "us people" interact with other people
I'll try to keep this short so you'll actually read it and hopefully won't become offended
From what I have seen, people behave differently around well-behaved black people. I don't just mean other races, I mean other blacks also. I myself have noticed the difference: when I'm wearing hoop earrings, my nose piercing, my hair down, people are too afraid to look in my direction because I'm black and I may shoot them. When my hair is away from my face and I'm wearing professional clothes, people socialize with me more. I find it to be quite the opposite with black people.
First of all, I'm light-skinned. Ask any ghetto black person and they'll say "you're not black, you're yellow" which, of course makes no sense. When I'm "yellow" with hoop earrings and skinny jeans, wedges, black people find me more appealing. However, when I'm wearing my sneakers, jeans and a regular shirt (and speak proper English, which most people are allergic to) I'm "trying to be white" or I MUST be mixed, but I can't be black, oh no. Because I keep my body covered and speak proper English, automatically I can't be more than 50% black. Makes total sense...
Basically I'm a misfit. There is no one I have met that does things the way I do with the morals I value and the speech that I use quite often. In a world of black and white, I'm the only shade of gray I've ever seen. ("So, Axanti, who are your real friends if you're a misfit?") Great question. I've found other misfits and of course bonded with them, but I kinda want that best friend next door type person that knows me through and through. At least, I did until I realized I have that person already. He's nowhere near next door but he's he best best friend I could ask for. He also just happens to be my boyfriend... I mean.... I GUESS I can live with that...
Monday, July 23, 2012
Guns/NRA/recent massacre in Colorado
First of all. Gun collectors. If you don't hunt, you don't use the guns why have them? They are COMPLETELY irrelevant to every day life.
The NRA can say whatever they would like to try and convince the public and the government that they should keep their guns "for protection". Protection from WHAT exactly? How is it possible that someone who has no use for a gun and no reason to own a gun can go online and purchase an AR-15-type weapon with no questions asked? POLICEMEN don't even carry those types of firearms!!
Average citizens should NOT be allowed to carry weapons more destructive and can fire more rounds than guns that policemen carry. It only makes sense. ON WHAT PLANET DOES IT MAKE SENSE for a random person in Colorado to purchase a rifle that policemen, who protect us cannot possess?
I am upset. Our right to bear arms was put in place (I am interpreting) in case the new United States of America needed to overthrow the government. In a day and age when WE are the most desirable country with the most desirable form of government, what do we need guns for? The answer is: we don't.
There is no reason that mothers and fathers should lose their children while they are going to a movie theatre. A movie theatre. There is no excuse, no reasoning behind it whatsoever.
How many wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, children must we lose?Thursday, July 19, 2012
no room for nice girls in society
All of the girls I meet that believe they're cool and in with the popular crowd always want 'haters' and want to be gangsters, walk with a limp and spit on the ground, wear blue and red.
Why is there no room for nice girls? Why aren't nice, sweet girls desirable anymore? Nicki Minaj says a lot of violent things including killing other people and carrying guns. While this may be an attractive fantasy, I don't find it at all healthy or realistic. If everyone practiced what people like her preached, crime would go up (in my opinion).
Maybe people should consider their true desires before basing their image of the ideal woman off of someone who's trying to make money.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
So from now on I need to practice HTML format.
Why I don't go on facebook: TMI
Know why? FACEBOOK.
Because people grow up. When people grow up, they start kissing and developing and junk. I hate seeing pictures of my 12-year old cousins biting their lips and kissing their boyfriends/girlfriends. It makes me cringe. TMI, especially for facebook. One picture is fine, I suppose, for a profile picture. But not 17 and 20 pictures of you two in bed together and on top of each other. TMI. Parents: Where's the regulation?! Where's the "facebook appropriate" conversation?
My poor boyfriend :/
Monday, July 16, 2012
"Checking out" people
Second of all, it's irritating when people ask me if I check out guys. No, I do not "check them out". Not because I'm snooty, not even because I'm taken. When I have been single, I have not "checked people out". Think about what "checking out" really is. It's looking at someone to the point where it's creepy until hopefully they smile back or "ask you out". What kind of method is this for choosing someone to start an intimate relationship with?
Third, the problem with "checking out" is that checking out only goes off of looks (which, if I'm not mistaken, can be deceiving. Remember how everyone thought the planets [and sun] revolved around the Earth?). Looks and only looks. That means if your soul mate is staking right in front of you in sweats and a baggy t-shirt because he/she is having a bad day, you pass them up because they're not worth "checking out". It's a dumb idea, if you ask me. (Let's just pretend you did.)
That is why I don't "check people out". I get to know people. Because people are more than faces, clothes, hats, shoes and jewelry. People have an inner core that you have to dig deep to find. A sort of hidden gem that is not visible from the outside.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
I like
Black olives
Food in general
People who decide for themselves
When oak trees/any trees make shade down a street
LGBT people/supporters
Watching the fluffy clouds
People who break stereotypes
Apple and all Apple products
Blondes who dye their hair black
Crazy people who bleach their hair
Those clear umbrellas that swoop down around your shoulders
When men put their dreadlocks back in a ponytail
Throwback bell bottoms!
Old people
Vintage anything
Thrift stores❤
Acting crazy inside a huge store
When people blast their music
When people walk around playing the guitar
When people start conversations with me
"testing out" mattresses
That wasn't sexual. I mean actually going to mattress stores and allaying on each one
Exotic foods
Playing the "punch buggy" game
I don't like
Hearing my own voice for too long
Hearing ghetto black people talk. Ever.
Everyone turning to look at me once slavery is mentioned
When people say a whole ghetto sentence but make one word sound proper
Stepping on snails
People's crazy parents
Learning a new bus route. (What if I get lost?)
Technology. Actually, that should be #1
That I'm a hypocrite
The idea that somewhere out it no-one-can-see-me land, some old man is controlling my life and making me either obey him absolutely or be punished for not doing so.
Organized religion (as if you couldn't tell)
Traditional, old-fashioned baptist Christians
Rude people
People who make me feel bad about being short and skinny
Being skinny
How much I LOVE junk food. I take that back, I love all food.
Males who turn into females when they buy/wear shoes
People who CANNOT be polite
Summer heat
That stupid cold in the morning, 99° at noon weather
Engravings in trees. They can't heal from that.
America's endless demand for more
People who complain about things they can fix
SMOKING. That should be number 0.1
People who aren't true to themselves
" about themselves
People who drive fast
The grocery store. Why torture myself with food I can't eat?
Monday, July 9, 2012
Scheduling, I guess.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Food Service at Great America
Friday, July 6, 2012
College/Life :/
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Life is full of surprises.
My derp is showing
Q'est-ce que c'est?
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Bus rides!
We're friends now and both admire (perhaps are envious of) each other's art. Well, I know I'm envious of his. Those are some great things that happen on the bus. But of course, like today there is always an old Asian lady to grasps her purse tightly in case you try to steal it or a grown ass man that makes the whole bus smell like weed... Yeah, days like today aren't the best, but, I suppose.... Could be worse.
People are weird.
I got over my phobia of sitting next to people; since they're generally nice and at the least we end up giving each other polite smiles and/or remarks. I like sitting next to people, but I guess other people don't. Does that make me weird?