Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Phase 2? Real relationship

My boyfriend and I have been arguing lately, which I find exciting. This is a real relationship, ya know? Two people learning about each other and trying to explain things to each other in a way the partner can understand. It's just so fascinating! All of my past relationships have stayed in that first lovey dovey phase for the duration of the relationship. To the point where I would get bored. I never told anyone the real reason that I broke up with my boyfriend in 6th grade, but I was just bored. He was the sweetest guy ever and he bored me to death! Flowers from his aunt's garden, holding hands when we walked: all the cute stuff, but NEVER any arguing! It wasn't real. This, with my boyfriend is real. We REALLY irritate each other sometimes, and my parents' 20 years of marriage tells me that irritation is an okay thing. If nothing else, it forces one to learn to be patient and understanding. And those are two very important character flaws that I will own up to. It's nice being with someone who thinks differently than I do. He's not always tranquil enough to explain things to me in a way I understand, but just the knowledge that what we have is real and that we're both committed and loyal to each other just makes my heart soar.

I love him. How can someone be mature and yet be as sweet as a 3rd grader with a crush? He says things like "I don't know how your hair works, but I like it. It looks good on you," and "you look pretty," when I'm wearing something he likes. He notices when i put on a different necklace, change my nail polish, put on eyeliner! In a word, he's awesome.


  1. GRAH I FEEL LIKE A CREEPER BUT akshflouj you two are so cute >___< k. I'm done creepin' lol.

    1. Haha thank you :) please, keep creepin'. You're like the only one who reads this lol

    2. Of course I'll keep reading! But I still feel like a creeper oh my gosh LOL (x
