Friday, December 14, 2012

Today is The Day!

Anyone in a long distance relationship knows what The Day is. It's the first time you see each other in person. It's your time to 'wow' them for the first time. I am scared shitless. It's 1:21am and I cannot sleep. I have everything packed, outfit for tomorrow ready, everything. I bought some shoes today; I'm gonna wear them tomorrow. I'm so excited! He got his hair cut for me :) I love his hair freshly cut :) he knows. He's amazing. I can't wait!!!! My mom said something that made me understand our relationship a little more. Darrin and I were having talks about whether or not we're good together. That was days ago. Yesterday, my mom said that, judging from the pictures from 3rd grade, I was probably hyper and bouncing around and incapable of sitting still. He, on the other hand, probably would've said "Mrs. Clemons? Axanti won't sit still, I can't concentrate." Made me realize, we're opposites. I'm Red, Yellow and Blue, and he's Burgundy, Mustard and Black. (Symbolic meaning behind the colors.) I am crazy and hyper, I can't sit still! He's calm, cool and collected. He barely moves. I enjoy weird, awkward humor. He enjoys wordplay humor. I hate technology, he's majoring in Computer Science. Kind of weird. On paper, doesn't seem like we'd be compatible; but when we first started talking, he demonstrated how considerate he was. He was also very good at flirting. I would LOVE to read through our text messages from the week and two days before we got together. I have no idea what we talked about but I'd love to read it. It's 1:34am and I am still awake. I have one eye closed while trying this. I guess it's an improvement from being wide awake, nervously playing games. I should try to sleep.

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