My cousin Coty joined the army 2 years ago. I haven't seen him in 4 years. He told me two weeks ago he was in Dublin. This past Saturday, I went to the base to meet this friend of his, Tadpole.
Tadpole, Coty and I walked around the base and talked and whatnot. Tadpole was cool, good for conversation. He came home with us, so on the way home he called shotgun.
On the way home I was thinking, "I could be friends with this guy." We have sort of the same taste in music, so on the way home we played the guessing game. He put on a song and I had to guess the artist. When that song from Shrek came on we both sang it to see who could get the most words right. It was a tie.
We stopped at WalMart before we went home. At this point I knew I liked Tadpole. We walked by some feather boas and he put one on. Then so did Coty! And I did too, haha. Tadpole messed around with us, bopped me on the head with a pool noodle, fun stuff.
When we got home, he talked to my mom about medical professions. We went swimming and he did the most hilarous things with Coty. And picked me up and threw me back in the pool. And put a pool noodle between my legs.
We played Cards Against Humanity and he played a card that said "My black ass." So my parents started calling him Tad's Black Ass. We watched movies and I put my number in his phone. He took a bunch of pictures with mine.

So we went to the park with Coty and had so much fun. Coty hid my shoes and then Tadpole carried me on his back to find them. He also walked in my shoes after Coty hid his shoes. We got on the little pony ride things for little kids, it was strange and awesome.
While we were walking back we decided to just lay down and look at the stars. With Tadpole, this is so much fun. We found boobs, a heart that was really conjoined ice cream cones.
We went back home and watched the Rocky Horror Picture show and then sex actually happened! However at the end my mom came looking for me and now my parents are upset.
My sister and Coty understand, thank god. I really like him and I'm glad we shared such a beautiful day and night. That's about all! :)
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