Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wednesday, July 23rd

The first day my hairy underarms returned to the world! I wore a non-camp shirt today to camp, so if my arms were up, hair was visible.

Nothing really happened! A few people's heads turned when my arms were up, but because everyone has seen my legs, it wasn't a huge shocker.

This is giving me confidence! I can be my natural self and go about my day, contrary to popular belief. I don't think I'll ever buy a razor (for myself) again! 

Also, because I stopped shaving an plucking everywhere, I was quite surprised when a certain someone gave me an oral presentation. I'll talk about him in a later post.

The hair under my chin and jawline still makes me stop and take a second look sometimes when I'm in the mirror. I'm hoping that eventually I can get to the point where it doesn't bother me at all.

I want to be okay with my natural self. 

Baby steps will hopefully add up to grown-up steps.

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