Sunday, July 13, 2014


Was my first day wearing my strapless yellow dress without shaving my underarms or plucking any hairs, and it wasn't bad!

I didn't cover up my legs or underarms or chest or neck, and no one noticed. While in Safeway, an older gray-haired man even said he liked my hair! (I'm sure he meant my dreads).

Today was a success. The most embarrassing parts of my body were on display and drew no attention! (Or at least I wasn't aware of any.) 

Hair is not as big a deal as we make it! Our social construct makes all of us believe that being hairless is associated with femininity and having hair is unattractive. An old boyfriend asked me if I shave under my arms, because he found underarm hair unattractive.

We don't even realize the forces that influence our thinking and our preferences in a mate, that's the crazy part!

We've been conditioned to hate morning breath and the smell of someone who's sweaty and the natural hair that grows on our bodies.

So much of our natural selves are covered up on a daily basis with deodorant, toothpaste, razors, and makeup. Now I question what makes me feel so badly about being hairy, yet feminine.

Why should I care if someone doesn't want to date me or associate because of my hair? So what if people stare?

On tv shows and in movies, the women that are hairy are old or made fun of. Old movies like Juana man and new ones like The Croods. I can tell that people like my face, my smile, my personality.

Those that do ignore my hair. Patrick would even kiss it, as if he knew I needed to know that he appreciates all of me.

India Aire says in one of her songs, "I am
not my hair, I am not this skin. I am the soul that lives within." I, too, am not my hair or my black skin. I am my own unique person, whose soul and actions define her and not her physical appearance.

This is only week 1 or 2 of 10 and I already feel much better about myself! I can't wait for week 10.

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