Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Jhonny sent me this text message, "Hey so.. why dont you shave your body hair?" 

I was so excited that he asked! He's the first one to feel comfortable enough to actually ask (even though he did it via text message).

I explained that I feel more confident about myself now that I don't shave, and that it doesn't impact my life in a significant way, so I leave it.

He said it was weird for him, I understand. It's hard to break social norms and be okay with something when everyone around you is whispering in your ear that it's not okay.

I made sure to tell him that we didn't have to sleep together again if that made him uncomfortable, I would be fine just hanging out with him. That was the truth, he's a really interesting person. He asked about my agate necklace and said he believes in 'energy stuff'. I can tell he's had to defend that view before. I don't think he was surprised when I agreed though. He thought I was a rastafarian because of my dreadlocks.

A silly assumption if you ask me, but how would he know better? I politely explained that rastafarians reject western medecine and don't eat pork, shellfish or milk. And that sounds awful because I'm pretty sure that bacon, snow crab legs and goat cheese make the world go round.

Anyway, he told me that his dad is Iranian, I didn't ask about his mom because it doesn't really matter. He has an piece on his wall by an Iranian artist that his dad gave him. It's really cool. 

That whole text message interaction made me miss Patrick. I guess I took for granted how open-minded and accepting he is, I sort of expected that everyone should be like him.

I've been keeping a (sort of) poem in my phone about how he makes me feel. There were only two times in the 5 months that I've known him that he's hurt my feelings, and both times were inadvertent. (Far less than past relaionships, which is why I bring it up.)

Maybe sometime I'll post the poem. It's shitty in my opinion, but whatever.

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