Monday, September 29, 2014

This has been in my phone for months

I have doubts but I realize they're ridiculous, so I push them out of my head.

i think something but don't say it aloud because it might be over the top and then he says exactly what I didn't.

he does something so strange, hilarious and awesome that I'm glad I'm with him.

he supports all of my dreams.

he makes me feel like the most special person in his life.

making him laugh makes me feel good.

I don't even notice what others think of us because he's making sexy chicken noises.

I forget about my flaws and see myself through his eyes.

I embrace my fears and know I can always face them with someone.

I feel heard and understood.

I feel that my feelings/emotions are respected.

The spirit that animates my body is more appreciated than my physical being.

I am happy.

No one else makes me feel like he does.

Not a single other person can make me feel that sexy, that beautiful so effortlessly.

It's not that he doesn't notice what I don't like about me, it's that he doesn't care.

He stares into my eyes, into my soul.

He reads my face carefully and can tell when my emotions change.

He cares for me and my safety, he respects every bit of me without question, of that I am certain.

And I miss him when we are apart.

How I crave his touch, his kiss.

How I miss his face being the first I see every morning and the last I see before I sleep.

Could this be love?

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