Friday, April 25, 2014

Beginning sex, I guess?

I don't know what else to call this post. I was talking to a friend about the last time I had relations with someone and that it's not a big deal for me. It hurts if everything isn't ready, but it's never been a pleasure thing for me. Yeah, it feels OKAY, but it's not as good as it could be when there's climax and resolution. Which I haven't experienced. My friend said she felt the same way until she experienced climax the first time. After that, apparently, it all changed. I don't know if this is a common phenomena but it's definitely a smidge disappointing. This is an awkward post for 10am on a Friday, I just remembered I'm supposed to be blogging every day. Today I'm gonna be doing homework. Patrick said he may borrow his roommate's car and come pick me up. I think I'm gonna ask him to take me to his place because I need his Abnormal Psychology textbook to start studying for our exam on Thursday. Yes, EXAM. Not test. I'm nervous because we haven't even had a practice test yet, we're jumping right into the first exam. I'm gonna have to make an exhaustive study guide, just in case.

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