Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Guess what

(That picture is from today, right now.) I'm blogging again! Two days in a row! I'll try to do this every day, since I'm always early to school. So yesterday was about the romanticness (or lack thereof) in my life, now I want to tell you about everything else! I was once again conditionally accepted to CSU Monterey Bay. I am soo frickin excited! To be on my own, to have a roommate, to have to be independent because I have no choice, haha. I feel this way because I haven't really grown up yet. Being 20 years old and having never been independent sort of makes me sad. When my mom was my age, she was living on her own, supporting herself and her child any way she could. Although I'm not planning to have kids until (at least) I have my Bachelor's degree and some sort of steady money source. And my own place. I suppose I just want to learn how to take care of myself in this world, without help from anyone.

I feel like that got off topic a bit. I'm taking three classes this quarter that require extensive reading, reminding me of the summers I should've been reading while I was playing X-Men Legends, eating cup noodles and drinking aloe juice. Well.. I can't say I regret that. Aloe juice is frickin delicious, haha.

I almost regret nothing. But I do wish I'd read more so that I could've gotten into the habit of reading extensively and reading to retain. Note to self, make future kids read books in the summer, give them treats like ice cream when they finish a book. P.S. Self, make sure kids stay active, lol. So my classes. Are amazing. Abnormal Psychology is amazing. My professor is actually a therapist (I think) so he gives us examples of when he puts into practice what we're learning. Super cool. He's a sweet guy. Psychology professors in general are always really awesome people, I think because they understand people more than most people understand people. Just me.

Um other things in my life.. I'm learning how to play Strong As An Oak by Watsky on my guitar. It's coming, slowly. I miss playing with my friend Melissa.

The last time we played guitar together, it made my day. Creating music and being social is a great feeling. The picture is her teaching me how to play "Hallelujah", you know, the one from Shrek.

Let's see. There's really nothing else to tell. We commute 5 hours a day, Monday through Thursday for me. Three hours from our house to Stanford University (morning traffic) and usually two hours from there to home. I wake up at 5am to leave at 6, which sucks. We typically get home around 7 or 8pm, and by then, I'm so tired I usually go to sleep. But it's okay! I finished my reading for this whole week last weekend, so on Sunday (which was easter and 4/20) I went to a BBQ with some stoners, it was awesome. I don't smoke, so I usually lie to people and tell them that my lungs constrict if smoke gets in them. I don't know, people act weird if you don't smoke or drink, which is me. Without smoking or drinking, though, I had a great time. We played Cards Against Humanity, smashed some eggs, played hackey sack ( I suck by the way) and we just talked a lot. Stoners are the best.

That was a lot, if anyone actually read all that, kudos to you. One last thing. At the BBQ there was this guy, not really goth but he looks like he could work at hot topic. He was super nice to me as soon as I got there, just a sweet guy. But I found out his girlfriend was sitting right next to him lol. So it was weird, but he was SUPER nice to me. He invited all of us to a party he's having on May 2nd. He touched my shoulder gently and said, rather quietly and with a smile, "you should come too." Maybe my brain made it more intimate than it actually was but I'm not so sure. However, even if he was single, Patrick is my #1 choice, and the sweet guy smokes cigarettes. There is no way I'd ever be able to be more than friends with anyone who smokes like he does. I thought I'd tell about this experience, because usually I don't connect with people who have their own microculture, but it seemed like he was comfortable enough to either break out of his culture or open it up to invite me into it. I like meeting people in general, because sometimes things like that happen. Okay, I have to go now. Hope you made it all the way down here. See you tomorrow, empty text box!

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