Monday, May 12, 2014

Destroyed (and tangent)

I'm always a little upset to see how people have grown. A boy that was once sweet to me, was so nervous that he kissed my ear aiming for my cheek, who picked me roses from his aunt's garden and didn't want his arm around me in the wrong position because he didn't want to disrespectfully touch my chest.

I looked through his facebook page and my memories were crushed with a photo he shared. "Eat, smoke, 'love', sleep, repeat" hit me hard. He wasn't that sweet little boy anymore. He was shaped by his environment and the media today into another dozen you can buy for a dime.

My sweet little cousin turned the same way. Looking at women as objects through which pleasure is received instead of viewing us as people who deserve respect. Don't get me wrong, women today are also to blame, doing what they can to try to be what men want them to be instead of maintaining their self-respect.

Growing up is hard enough, but watching others do the same (or, rather, do the opposite) is almost worse. Children bring such hope to us with their innocence and kind ways, when their innocence is gone.. It's discouraging.

I hope I give birth to at least one male child so that I can raise him to be old-fasioned, a gentleman. Honest, compassionate, and accepting of all people. Patrick doesn't know this yet, but he'll be (at least) a mentor to my future children, because they just don't make 'em like him anymore. 

I'm really happy I met him. My faith in people returns when he refuses politely, keeps his values dear to him without judging others', and is ready to offer any and everyone a word of kindness or a smile. He gives me so much hope about life and the future. I really hope he becomes a Big Brother, because he is the perfect model for any young boy(s). 

I wish I'd had an older sibling like him growing up instead of the manipulative one I had.

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