Saturday, May 10, 2014

Nature is a funny thing, isn't? Photosynthetic organisms that calculate how much food they need to survive the night. Living creatures that recognize their kin without eyes and can hear danger without ears. Plants set the standard for what we are and how we function. 

I wonder how "family tree" became a concept. What the basis for a brain was, and why it was beneficial for creatures to develop brains when plants exist quite numerously today.

Maybe because brains allowed for more or life's spoils. I think of mushrooms, who secrete enzymes to help them digest worms.

Perhaps that mushroom grew a brain one day and became a bird. Now instead of waiting for worms to emerge, it can dig to find them. 

I think nature is a funny thing. We don't stop to realize how intelligent plant life is. We humans believe that if you can't, won't or don't fight back, what little intelligence you have is meaningless.

I appreciate nature in its complexity, for it's brainless intelligence and omnipresent beauty. There's a reason we go camping and hiking. Nature is home.

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