Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I must wear my emotions on my face.

I was just thinking about how the men in my life can automatically tell when I'm upset, even when I think I'm hiding it well. Firstly, my dad. He can always tell when I'm anything but happy because of what I do nonverbally. Second, Darrin. He can tell by situations that I'm upset, for instance he knows that I only call him when I'm really happy or really upset, but usually the latter. Patrick boggles my mind because he just met me (a month ago tomorrow) and yet he seems to read my moods and thoughts as if they're written on my face.

I feel like I'm sharing too much with this blog sometimes. Many times I'll type paragraph after paragraph and then delete the whole thing. But how could it not be so personal when I made it my mission to write every day?

I'm conflicted.

Only two people actually read what I write, and they're the two people I mention most in my blog. It makes me feel as though I'm blogging unecessarily. Instead of being brave and saying these things to people, I blog about them to get the thoughts and feelings out of my system. It makes me feel like the thirteen year olds that ask each other out and break up via text message.

Using an impersonal method of communication in order to avoid emotions and/or disappointment and/or conflict seems childish to me. Is that what I'm doing? 

What are blogs for, anyways?

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