Monday, December 29, 2014
(Sad title)
Friday, December 26, 2014
Tragedy. On Christmas.
My first thought was that my mom had lost her job, and that I wouldn't be able to go to school anymore, but it seemed more serious than that. Maybe someone had died in the family or developed an aggressive cancer. Somehow the news was far worse than anything I could imagine. My mother told my sister and I that my nephew is missing and that my half sister and her boyfriend are in jail.
A homicide detective told them over the phone that some new evidence they'd found overnight caused them to believe it was homicide. However, the man said he would keep us updated, although we probably won't hear anything until Monday.
First I cried. Then I sobbed. I knew she was self-centered, but... No. If they don't find that little peanut, I don't think I could ever forgive either of them. From the time my nephew was born, his mother tried to use him to get gifts from our mother, picking out expensive strollers and cribs and hinting to our mother that they wanted it. After a visit my mother paid them for my nephew's birthday, she told us what she saw, because it made no sense.
Messes everywhere, foul smells, and in the freezing East Coast weather my nephew was without a jacket. It was "lost" according to my half sister. It all seems worse, now that he's missing. My half sister is in jail, charged with misdemeanor child neglect, which she should be. Her boyfriend is in jail under suspicion of murder.
I just keep thinking, why? Why would anyone treat such a sweet little boy that way? How could you look at his sweet little face and not give him anything and everything? That little ball of energy only gave love and wanted only to receive it in return. Well, that and batman pajamas.
The hardest part was when I googled it. I typed in my nephew's name and the state they live in, stories came about left and right. My little peanut's name all over the news. "Missing" and then "murder". My half sister and her boyfriend's mugshots side by side. He looks crazy and evil as ever, but her face pissed me off. She looks unapologetic. She looks as though she were in an argument with someone and she was defending her terrible actions. That person I'd grown up with was making THAT FACE when they took her picture. She was looking as though she'd done nothing wrong. And that I couldn't stand. That made me sick.
I'm still hoping they find that little angel. Wherever he may be, I hope he's alive and well.
This is the story: I can't believe it still. I hope it's not true. And right now hope is all I can do until they find him.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Today is December 5th.
My finals are done! I'm overjoyed. And I was craving the sexy time. One David with a dog named Sage spent the night and slept here until morning. That was great. I don't care about how many people I have sex with. The more important thing is that I have sex with people that care about me as a friend. They don't just have sex with me and leave, cheapening the experience. We have sex and then eat and talk and sleep and then they leave when they're good and ready. I like that very much.
In other news, my sister was diagnosed bipolar on Monday, Dec. 1st. Although it's really hard for my mom, dad and I, we are finding the humor in it, because she says the craziest shit. One of my favorites was "Girl, I can hear things now. I'm like Superman." They get better and better as time goes on. Although I help us find the humor in it, I feel guilty for being away from home. I wish I could help out, give my parents a break. I don't spend much time crying, but I do spend a bit of time thinking of my sister.
I'll be relieved to go home. Next week I'm going home on Thursday and staying until Sunday so I can squeeze in family time and help out a little. Can't think of a better way to spend 4 days.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
I've been lonely. I told you that already. It's been getting better thanks to Dylan and Brandon. Dylan is a surfer/skater/stoner that likes having me over and Brandon is an army man who has to come up to see me (they don't allow the opposite gender in their... I don't know... living quarters).
I met Brandon on OkCupid. He's really funny and fun to hang out with. Very tall, slightly muscular build, dark African skin. He slept over for about two days, it was a blur of sex, Bob's Burgers, sleep, and food. Great, lazy weekend.
I've had Dylan's number since school started. His radio show is before mine, so I'd text him when I was running late. One day, I had totally forgot about my radio show and he was sweet enough to pick me up. He confessed that he saw me on OkCupid for a while, that he's had the app for years and it hadn't worked out for him. Dylan is short, white, with the long blonde hair of a thirteen year old girl and the beard/mustache combo of a viking. Driving back to campus, we decided we should hang out sometime. Even though it was cold outside, about a week later, we went to the beach. We ran 250 feet before we got into the water. He dove into the water and swam, even though it was cold. He helped me find lots of beautiful rocks and shells, it was great.
By the time that was done, we were both freezing and feared hypothermia, so we huddled behind a sandy hill. He gave me his thick, warm camping jacket, and I put his arms around my waist so he could share in the warmth he'd helped foster. I was sitting on his lap and laying on top of him simultaneously, peacefully enjoying the sounds of the ocean just 500 feet away from us. He kept his hands on my back gently, as if I were a balloon that would float away otherwise.
After that, we stood up and the wind hit us. We walked back to our cars and then went to get food. We took it back to his place and watched Archer while we ate. He took me to the Pancake Art Gallery my school had, sweet of him. While seated there, he put his arm around me. We left around 10 and went back to his place. After cuddling for an hour or so, his face was close to mine. I was nervous and awkwardly turned my head to face the tv again when he took my chin in his index finger and thumb, turned my head to face him, and kissed me.
One thing led to another and I spend the night with him. It was awful, haha. I got close to no sleep because he snores in through his nose and out through his mouth. It also didn't help that we didn't actually sleep until 4 or 5 in the morning. But I greatly enjoyed my time with him. Since then, we've gone hiking together and have hung out once more. We're not too big on texting each other, it's nothing like being in-person. Once I get back, I definitely hope to see him again.
However, we're not dating because he hasn't brought it up. I don't like to assume and I don't like to be the one to make it official, because I know most guys don't want that. So even though I really like being with Dylan, I think I'm going to invite Brandon over when I get back. After I see Dylan. I really like being with Dylan and spending the night with him, but I also like when Brandon spends the night. Plus, all of my finals are due the week of Monday, December 1st, so that weekend I will be overjoyed and no doubt craving sex.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Sunday, November 2, 2014
I just thought of something.
Halloween was fun!
Monday, October 20, 2014
I've decided
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Colleges have great events!
Sunday, October 12, 2014
This weekend has been amazing
I had no class. I went to my business professor's office hour to ask for help, then to open studio to butcher this painting of my grandma for Día de los Muertos. At 5:15 I was at the library waiting for Alejandro to take me to Open Mic Night, which was amazing. We had lots of performers, original songs, raps and spoken words. My co-host was this really cute guy named Alejandro. After that, we went to salsa night at our on-campus club type thing. That was awesome, there were professional dancers teaching moves, I found a guy from my class whom I danced with for a while. Then After that I followed him to my friend's house who's also in the same class. We were supposed to watch a movie, but we stayed up and watched funny youtube videos and talked for hours. I went to sleep at about 4:50am and when I woke up at around 9 I took the bus home.
I mostly slept, I went to the store and bought cheese and milk for macaroni and cheese. The bus stopped running by the time I got there, so my new neighbors had to pick me up. That night we went to this October Feast our court was having.
I woke up early and biked with Janee to the beach for her class assignment. After that, I biked to our on-campus library to do homework with Alejandro. We both got a lot done. I started to get the impression that he's like Pablo, My sister's ex-boyfriend. He flirted with every girl he met and slept with a lot of them. I don't think Alejandro's the type to sleep around, but he definitely seems flirty. He's on his phone a lot, which to me says he's texting girls. At the end of our homework session, another girl came in and he was going somewhere with her. I was uncomfortable, so I left. I invited both of them over, though, to play Cards Against Humanity, but they didn't show.
Still, I hung out with McKenzi (the girl whose house I slept over) and Victor (the guy from my class whom I danced with) and other art students. We talked about penises and vaginas, sex, dry spells, life, childbirth and I don't even remember what else. I know now, though, that I have new friends! And we're going to have a sleepover at my place next time (and actually watch a scary movie like we were supposed to). This weekend was awesome! I hope to have more like it.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Love is an airborne disease. Once it escapes my lips people go running.
They run and they don't look back
until they are lonely.
When they have nowhere else to turn
they come back as a last resort.
Love is a mystery
The people we think love each other
abuse each other in the name of love.
So how do I know what it is
How do I know when it's real?
Every time so far I've been wrong.
Been left empty, wet
with tears,
It happened so many
times that I begin to wonder if it's my fault.
what's wrong with me?
what did I do?
am I not right?
It wasn't me. It was you.
You made me feel special.
You made me feel like you really
loved me.
Like the fire between us
would burn
But while you pretended to
tend and kindle the fire,
you were really putting it out.
You were lighting other fires
tending them
comforting them
making sure they didn't go out.
Once "love" escapes my lips, people go running.
And they don't come back.
And though I know it's not true
I blame myself.
For believing in love in the first place.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Cute songs you should listen to:
Michael Bublé - Everything
Amos Lee - Sweet Pea
L-O-V-E - Nat King Cole
Lucky - Jason Mraz
The Way You Look Tonight - Maroon 5
Friday, October 3, 2014
And the love just keeps coming!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
I am ridiculously happy right now
Great things are happening this week!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
The second half of today
What is happening
This has been in my phone for months
i think something but don't say it aloud because it might be over the top and then he says exactly what I didn't.
he does something so strange, hilarious and awesome that I'm glad I'm with him.
he supports all of my dreams.
he makes me feel like the most special person in his life.
making him laugh makes me feel good.
I don't even notice what others think of us because he's making sexy chicken noises.
I forget about my flaws and see myself through his eyes.
I embrace my fears and know I can always face them with someone.
I feel heard and understood.
I feel that my feelings/emotions are respected.
The spirit that animates my body is more appreciated than my physical being.
I am happy.
No one else makes me feel like he does.
Not a single other person can make me feel that sexy, that beautiful so effortlessly.
It's not that he doesn't notice what I don't like about me, it's that he doesn't care.
He stares into my eyes, into my soul.
He reads my face carefully and can tell when my emotions change.
He cares for me and my safety, he respects every bit of me without question, of that I am certain.
And I miss him when we are apart.
How I crave his touch, his kiss.
How I miss his face being the first I see every morning and the last I see before I sleep.
Could this be love?
Saturday, September 27, 2014
My Reading and Writing for Civic Literacy book is unbelievably amazing.
Here are some quotes I picked out from James Baldwin's letter to his nephew on the one hundredth anniversary of the end of slavery.
"You were born where you were born and faced the future that you faced because you were black and for no other reason."
"There is no reason for you to try to become like white people and there is no basis whatever for their impertinent assumption that THEY must accept YOU. The really terrible thing, old buddy, is that YOU must accept THEM. And I mean that very seriously. You must accept them and accept them with love. For these innocent people have no other hope."
"...we, with love, shall force our brothers to see themselves as they are, to cease fleeing from reality and begin to change it."
"You know, and I know, that the country is celebrating one hundred years of freedom one hundred years too soon. We cannot be free until they are free."
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Saturday, September 20, 2014
I hung out with Jhonny. It was fun, we played this awful weird amazing game he has at on his computer. It's the most awful thing. This little boy tries to escape his demented, religious mom by fleeing into the basement where he has to fight monsters with his tears. It is so sad/amazing. After that there was this awkward silence that led to (content removed for awesome and explicit sexual nature). After that was over I helped him scrub food off of some dishes and then we sat outside and talked for a little while. He smoked a cigarette while I talked, disgusting.
We talked about a book he had that reminded me of Patrick. It was a book saying how a man should be a warrior, magician, leader(?) and lover. I'm pretty sure it's a transition book from boyhood to manhood. Patrick is really in to those, one of the many things I love about him. He's about bettering himself in any and every way possible.
Anyway, I left Jhonny's place around 4 since he was leaving at 5 to spend the weekend with his best friend (because he's newly single and obviously needs loved ones around). I felt bad once I thought about what happened. He just became single five days ago and we there I went. I had sex with someone about a week or two after I broke up with Darrin and I shouldn't have. That is the only time (except perhaps this time) that I regretted having sex. I wasn't into it and at one point I was staring blankly into his face. My mind was not in the right place for me to have been having sex. I was missing Darrin but feeling like that was sort of what I wanted, so I shouldn't complain. It was awful.
I feel like that's what happened with Jhonny. At one point I looked at him and he was staring at the ceiling. Because he noticed I was looking, afterward he felt the need to explain it.
Of course this could just be my interpretation of what happened.
The game he was playing is called The Binding of Isaac. It is seriously messed up, haha. Still, it's great. Play it if you wish.
Well, I have to return to the multitude of homework I have. Until next time.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Remember my post on 5/14/14?
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
I'll never forget
Friday, August 29, 2014
"What do you want?" "To exist..." (A line from Van Helsing)
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Blogging from Downtown Long Beach, CA
I've been here for five days now and I love Long Beach. (Surprisingly, there are lots of blacks and latinos here.) I expected Long Beach to be mostly white. I love the weather here. When the sun goes away, so does the heat. When the sun is out, it's beautiful. Palm trees sway lazily in the breeze while homeless people push carts across the street and hipsters bike around, showing off their colorful glasses, strange haircuts and curled mustaches. Down some streets are the cutest vintage shops I've ever seen, delicious restaurants and bike racks worth taking touristy pictures near.
Patrick and I walked around a lot. By the beach, down streets, everywhere. I haven't been exploring by myself just yet. Some parts of Long Beach are isolated (and therefore dangerous) at night. My brain is keeping me from exploring those areas, even in the daytime. Still, I may visit the beach on my own. Look back into the shops I saw. Perhaps buy a vintage dress to take back with me.
Most of my time here has been spent making coiled bowls, actually. They take a ridiculously long time, but I enjoy quiet, lengthy activities.
Patrick and I attract attention when we walk, holding hands. Some stares and angry looks, some smiles and once a thumbs up. Strange how the past affects us even now. It's almost silly how a white male and black female elicit such strong emotion from some by simply walking down the street.
Long Beach is a very plural place. There is night life for those who desire it, also yoga and the beach, stores filled with characters and treasures long forgotten. I've never considered Southern California a place I may want to live, but as of now, I'm officially interested.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Let's play catch up. Readysetgo!
All of the crazies!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Tween hair
When I was about 13 I remember crying to my mom telling her how ugly I felt because of all the hair I had that no one else had on their bodies. Down my chest and around my nipples. Who would ever find me attractive? No one, I thought. I remember a separate occasion years before that where kids would laugh at me because my underarms were hairy. Another separate occasion, my first ingrown hair under my arm from shaving.
Doing this no shaving thing feels really good to young Axanti. Just the fact that I can go out and still feel pretty and feminine without shaving makes me eager to accept and love myself the way I am. It feels really good. Anyone reading this, male or female, masculine or feminine, shaving only matters to the shallow. Someone who really cares about you won't turn their back just because you haven't shaved. Sure, they'll look. They may stop once or twice, but that's not what's important to them. They care about YOU.
I'm not shaving again. It's a waste of time and money and makes me feel anxious in public. I don't like feeling like I have to check to make sure I shaved correctly. Make sure I got every last hair, make sure I try and try and try to get my legs to be perfect. I don't like prickly legs either. The nice thing about having long leg hair is that it's not prickly. I rub my legs and feel mostly just my legs. I barely feel the hair, although it's jet black and is quite visible on my legs.
Why conform? No one can make me feel bad about not shaving except for me. Yes, people will stare. Yes, some people will decide against associating with me because I don't shave, but who really cares? I'm soo close to not giving a shit anymore and focusing on what's important in my life. So very close. As soon as I can push society out of the way so that I can take a step into the clear meadow that is my life, I can just go for a stroll.
If that makes sense.
Another (maybe the last) Shaving Journal post
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Now, the guy.

Wednesday, July 23rd
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Leg hair
I just heard this on the radio
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Friday, July 11, 2014
My non-shaving, non-plucking 1st post
I talked to Patrick
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Saturday, July 5, 2014
10 weeks of no shaving, starting today!
Because why conform to society's ideals of beauty?
We've been conditioned to believe that the absence of hair is attractive, and that hair in certain places and in certain styles is unattractive.
Who decided that for us?
Who taught us that it's okay to make fun of people that don't shave?
Who told us that special occasions call for hairless legs and under arms?
I'm doing this to prove that society doesn't control what's considered beautiful on me, I do.
I'm doing this because I am beautiful exactly the way I am, without alteration.
And I might just stop shaving forever, because I'm so much more than the hair on my body.
The story that inspired me: .
Friday, July 4, 2014
Patrick: out of sight, always on my mind.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Monday, June 30, 2014
Today was awesome!
Re-reading my other blog post has made me realize that no matter what, Patrick is and was the b-kawk! to my sexy chicken. Although I wasn't happy with some aspects of our relationship, I still feel deeply for him and I think he feels the same way. Also, I should have communicated about the things that made me uncomfortable, instead of keeping them inside like I always do. Well hopefully in the future I'll be able to communicate better so that if Patrick and I do get the chance to be together again I can prevent these feelings of regret.
Ugh. I know I've said this a million times and that he's only been gone one day, but fuck nuts I miss him already. I should keep a list of all the clothes I cried into and wiped my nose on. So far I'm at two shirts and a washcloth. Well, at least I know he exists. He's surfing probably right now, reading books and eating eggs with sweet potatoes for breakfast. I actually feel a little better now, remembering the times we spent together.
Something sort of strange is that we couldn't sleep well together. We'd start out great, comfortable, then wake up two or three times, then back to sleep and wake up less than refreshed. What I like about it though is that sometimes I'd roll over on my side and he would spoon me back to sleep. As soon as he woke up, he'd get water and then make us breakfast.
That reminds me, I still owe him fish tacos! We made some and he said they sounded delicious, so I offered to make him some and completely forgot. If he still wants me to visit him, I'll make them for him then. With Salmon, because he loves it.
Blogging really helps me reflect, it's a shame that so often I forget to do it.
Camp Galileo! (And soreness)
Funny thing, I woke up today (technically yesterday) so very sore. My biceps, trapezius and lower back were killing me. I thought I must've slept in a strange way (also I hadn't been in my own bed since Wednesday night, today [yesterday] is Sunday [Monday]).
Once I thought about it, no wonder I was sore! On Saturday we unloaded all of our supplies for the entire summer and put them into classrooms. We decorated so many things and organized extensively for camp on Monday. Originally, I thought I was to be working starting tomorrow (today), but because of low enrollment in my age group (pre-k) two other girls and myself won't be needed for the first week.
That stinks just a little bit because I am SUPER EXCITED to start! I love kids and I get to work with them literally ALL SUMMER LONG, I cannot wait. But, I suppose this week off can be good. I can prepare and over prepare for my campers, plan activities, games, transitions, etc.

Just on set-up day, I was recognized constantly for my fast, efficient, independent work. One of our area directors came to our camp and even she learned my name quickly because she kept hearing it from others about the great job I was doing. This makes me happy because unlike my job at Great America where everyone was pat on the back for doing one person's work, we are individually recognized for our contributions to the team effort, which boosts moral and helps us build community.
We have team color and spirit days! My color is orange! (Which made me think of Patrick. He told me that a woman saw his aura as orange. Which is strange, because orange is the color I chose for myself...) I'm thinking of making my team the Orange Carrots or something fun. Maybe just "Carrots," sounds nicer.
Either way, I am extremely excited for camp and cannot wait to begin! The camp's goal is to teach kids of all ages how to innovate and that failure is a good thing. It's designed to help them create projects that might include failure and to show them that perseverance is what counts.
What we hope will stick is that the kids learn to be visionary, courageous, collaborative, determined and reflective. And that they learn the innovator's approach, which includes testing, evaluating, redesigning and testing ideas/machines. I hope to really drive that home, because that's what the takeaway should be; that it's okay to fail and that innovation works and is awesome. I am stoked to make a difference this summer at Camp Galileo. I will conclude my Miss America Speech with "... and world peace."
Patrick is gone.
I'm hurt.
Although I still do the things that make me happy, he creeps into my mind when I least expect it. Laying on the floor watching Orange is the New Black it hit me. I was on my stomach, my palm face down by my head. The same way it is when I lay on top of him. My hand would be on his chest, following the grain of his hair up to his neck.
When that moment was over I was hurt again. On the inside. Knowing that he's just gone. And now that he is gone, my mind goes everywhere. Wonders how after only two months my heart doesn't appear my own.
Though our relationship was sexually open, I wonder about the romantic side. He kissed someone else, before he left. But he wrote me this beautiful poem about the spark between us, and how it will always be there.
Now that he's gone I'm starting to question if his feelings for me were true. (This is why long distance doesn't work for me, my brain does thinky things.) I wonder if he really likes who I am now or the idea of who I could be when I'm his age. Of course when he was here, I had no question. It was obvious.
He was proud to tell people that I was his girlfriend, complemented and kissed me in front of people, made me feel just so special. The thought of him making someone else feel that way churns my stomach. The friend he kissed saw us holding hands, must have known we were together, but didn't care.
I'm busying myself with things to try to keep my mind off of him and my tears on my eyeballs where I need them to be. I also want to busy myself to get rid of these feelings. I'm so confused. While I feel I might love Patrick, I reject the thought so much. I've said this before, been here before. I always seem to look back on past relationships and disagree with my actions and words. The picture is me, trying to hold myself together.

I heard somewhere that love is struggling to accept someone exactly as they are right now. But what if I'm always struggling to do that and the other person never is?
I'm still confused. At the same time that I can see a future with him, I feel that he's hurt me. And I suppose I blog about it because I can't bring myself to call him. I already know what he'll say. "I like you, you know that."
"I can see a future with you also."
"That's silly. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"We agreed we'd have a type of open relationship."
I realized that's not what I want. When I saw Patrick for the first time, something locked in place. Our eyes fixed on each other and for a 100 year split second, we were frozen. That has never happened to me before. It wasn't his looks that caught me, it was him. It was as if I was looking at his personality first, and his outward appearance second.
I miss Patrick, if you can't tell. I'm saying and feeling so many things because I need to get them all out. Right now I can't think clearly. I can't get into my bed at night without remembering him. I think of him often and miss him constantly. To make matters worse, my best friend has been missing in action since yesterday, when I really needed to talk and cry to him.
I needed to get all of this out because these feelings aren't going anywhere. They appear and then nag me and fester inside of me. I want to move on and find someone else to distract me but at the same time I know that would be pointless and hurtful to that person because Patrick is my long-term plan. When I'm ready to settle down, it'll be with him.
I'm afraid, though. That he'll want to "settle" in another open relationship. That he's just the kind of person that isn't satisfied with only one sexual/romantic partner. That I have these serious feelings and plans, and that he doesn't feel them as intensely.
Not that it would be better if he felt the way I do. I'd say it would be worse, actually. That he may feel the way I do, as intensely as I do, and still feel that I'm not enough. That sexually, romantically, age-wise, I'm not enough. He wants more than I can possibly offer.
I don't know if I will believe what I'm saying tomorrow, or the day after that, but right now this is real to me. I miss him, and I'm sad. And I might love him, which makes me sadder. And he might not feel the same way, which deepens my sadness. And he may feel the same way I do, which deepens it more.
No matter what, we'll be away from each other for at least 4ish years, in which time he'll find someone new.
I don't want to do another long distance relationship, but I don't want to date anyone else but him. This whole situation makes my stomach hurt. 3:29am Monday morning and I can't get this out of my head.
I suppose the bottom line is I miss him, and there's nothing I can do about that.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Just thinking.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Sunday, June 15, 2014
I can't wait for Patrick to go home!
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Good news today! (yesterday, and previously)
First, I found out that I have housing for fall 2014 when I'll be attending CSUMB! Second, I added my roommates, they seem pretty nice and know each other already. Third, I'm frickin graduating this month and I have an awesome summer job with Camp Galileo where I'll be working with kindergarten-age kids! Not only that, I'll be making good money, so I can pay back the $900 I owe my mom and start saving for college! (No tattoos this summer, unfortunately. Even though I have a half sleeve planned out.)
Things are looking great. Darrin is living with his new girlfriend Bree and his mom in an apartment and they're getting along well. My grandfather still has cancer, but supposedly he's not doing too badly. My grandma found out she has cataracts and is going to get them removed quite soon. My older sister is finally thinking of moving out of North Carolina to a more open-minded area. My younger sister has a job at Chipotle that she very much likes, and my mom is being awesome as usual, hard at work and preparing to launch back into her PhD program. Patrick is (hopefully) packing things up and getting ready to go back home with his family in SoCal, and my friend Easten is healing nicely and out of the hospital, although he looks like a raw sausage.
I actually had a dream about him. He was at a table drawing with me? Or something. Oh, and I was just thinking how I should've offered to rub lotion on his skin. Just to give him a break and help him feel relaxed. Also because touch helps the healing process so much, especially when someone does it out of the kindness of their heart and not out of obligation, and I want to do that for him to help him heal faster. For some reason I feel such a deep connection with him.
Maybe it's because we're the same age, and when I met him the first thing I noticed is that he looks me directly in the eyes when I talk and doesn't look away; giving me his undivided attention. (Also, he was in the hospital, so naturally I want to baby him and feed him soup. I guess womanly instincts strike at a moment's notice.) Or perhaps studying my face and peering into my soul. Or a combination of the two. His eyes are very intense. And when I heard him outside one day, smoking weed, playing guitar, and singing with the most beautiful voice, I felt so much closer to him. He's a videographer and he plays guitar AND he sings. He does a lot of what I want to do in my life, and he does it well. I see him as a role model of sorts. A close friend, too.
Anyways, lots of good things are happening. I find myself wanting change, although I know it will be difficult. I've gotten used to De Anza, to the friends I met there, to the campus, the people, the routine. I think I've set up a good road map for my life. Two years at CSUMB until I graduate with a Bachelor's in Visual and Public Art. Then Peace Corps for (hopefully) two years, time that I hope to document through my art.
After that, getting involved with organizations that provide change on Native American reservations (and bring education and mental health services specifically) and others that help the homeless. After that, when I'm 25ish I would probably do well to look for a career-type job if I'm not "making it" as an artist. Then Master's degree somewhere, kids, build on my property in Colorado and work through my bucket list while I live out the rest of my life creating art, music, bellydancing and crocheting.
Planning one's life out may seem foolish, but I don't think of it that way. I think of it as having certain things I wish to do. And if they can happen at certain times, great. If not, I can adapt. Change is always good for me, a clean slate and a new beginning help me feel secure.
I'm awarding myself 600 awesome points for staying up so late. It is 3:02am and I'm still awake. ME. Mrs. Morning person. Oh, I guess I should get to sleep. Since finals are in two weeks.