Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Great America's Food Service Dept.

Needs to work on their communication and clarification of policies. My boyfriend booked a flight for two weeks to see me months in advance, so I started writing it down on the day off request forms. One of the managers said I'd only requested it off a week in advance, and that a two-week vacation is unacceptable for a supervisor. He also said that I would have to call in sick (8 times, which would get me fired). I took my issue to both of our boss, and he said he would try to see if he could fix it. He didn't. I called our Clerk's office to talk to the supervisor there. I asked her to mark me down as sick for the rest of my vacation. She said that was fine and days went by. Then one of my co-workers told me that "they" want me to call the Clerk's office.

Later I speak to the same supervisor who tells me that we're not allowed to mark people down for more than a day when they call in sick, so I have four 'No Call No Show's which is more than grounds for termination. Had I still enjoyed working with the upper-management at Great America, I might be upset, but they have demonstrated time and time again that some problems will not be fixed anytime soon, so I have no problem leaving. I see why so many people leave theme parks. They hire pretty much everyone who applies and the management is not evaluated (as far as I know). I hope my boss responds to the voicemail I left him with "Unfortunately, we'll have to let you go." I am so excited to leave.

Two weeks with my boyfriend

Made him leaving not so terrible. When I stayed with him for a week, I cried my eyes out for a day and a half. This time tears were shed, I'm not going to lie, but I was able to stop crying. I found myself wanting to make myself cry, which was weird, but I didn't do that either. I listened to music on the way to the apartment and when I got here, I watched a movie and then kept busy. Nine hours later, he's home safely and currently FaceTiming with me. He was here, now he's gone. Damn, I miss that man.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Growing up is hard.

I have a hard time being mature and being sincere. When it comes to relationships, I don't handle things the way I should, even though I've repeatedly handled things the immature way. I have a hard time saying "thank you" sincerely. I always do a weird voice or something of that nature and make it awkward. I've tried to be less seemingly sarcastic, and it doesn't work. Maybe my real problem is with gratitude.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


It's been three months since my last post, but I have something great to post about: I have the most amazing boyfriend that anyone could ask for. So considerate and sweet, so nice to me, I almost can't take it. Last night he rubbed my feet, again. He's still the only one to have done that. Even though I'm on the rag, he still loves being close to me. I actually cried when I realized that this relationship is the most functional one I've ever been with. My family likes him so far, and unlike previous boy/girlfriends, he's going somewhere in life. I'm not saying he's perfect, but neither am I. We go so well together though! I'm so lucky. I'm not gonna say what I'm thinking, but I am thinkin' it. 

Not many people like happy posts about others, happiness isn't interesting. Drama, despair, death, cheating/sex scandals, THEY are interesting, but I've been waiting months for these two weeks. The last time I saw him was in December 2012, and I do not want to think about when he has to leave. This is only day 2 and I'm already in paradise.